Where do integrity and greed fail to meet or succeed moral foundations? It is justified to steal if you are doing it for #ethical reasons? Can crimes be ethical? Reflecting on these questions reminds me of the story of Robinhood, “The Prince of Thieves,” from medieval times. Robinhood stole from the rich to give to the poor. Perhaps his actions were ethical in the view that the wealthy had more wealth than needed. Conversely, it was written that the poor were highly taxed in medieval times while the rich paid little to no tax. This would likely feel unfair to the poor, and the rich would likely view no complications as their lifestyles remained lavish.
So, would Robinhood be justified in stealing from the rich to give to the poor? Maybe the question is a little more complicated. It conceivably depends on who and at which timeframe one is viewing Robinhood’s actions. If you were considered poor, perhaps Robinhood’s actions are courageous, honorable, virtuous, ethical, and moral. However, from another angle, wealthy lords would consider these acts of lawlessness as dishonest, sinful, depraved, immoral, illegal, and evil. Both viewpoints are arguably valid from the position of the individual.
It is widely known that ethics changes over time, as do #values, where a practice considered acceptable in the past no longer rings true today. Likewise, the way we perceive ethical business practices change over time which is not necessarily good or bad but a function influenced by the passage of time, our environment, and culture. Additionally, Technology is often viewed as a driving factor in ethical shifts, which can be traced from the Industrial Revolution to the postindustrial era to the Information Age.
ReWaste Technologies understands ethical evolution and seeks to continually enhance its CSR and moral foundation to achieve transparent communication and development of its ethical code. The organization is founded on eternal principles of utilizing technology, human rights, strategy, morals, and passion for envisioning a better world through sustainable practices. ReWaste goals include partnering with local communities, governments, and organizations to improve working conditions while decreasing traditional energy usage and increasing renewable energy management, accessibility, and control. Every employee must understand and uphold ReWaste’s standards of conduct as each represents the entire organization.
We can learn from the past how to better meet the future moving forward. The Robinhood example helps us better understand that people justify acts as ethical or unethical based on their acceptability as time passes through the ages, Technology available, and who is viewing the actions. ReWaste Technologies evolves with the ultimate goal of a cleaner and better world for all with an ethical foundation at its core.